Sunday, 23 September 2012

ZTE hints about phones running their devices run WP7.8 and WP8? quoted on tweet of strategic marketing manager Dennis Lui of ZTE phone company on 16/09 a picture may indicate that the company will continue to launch Windows Phone devices.

Dennis Lui posted photos attached saying: 
"Two heads are better than one, MacroHard", "Two heads are better moral of Microsoft's three systems: WP7.5, WP7.8, WP8 MacroHard Microsoft".

Basically this line mentioned probably refers to the appearance of the phone using WP7.8 and WP8 of carrier on the market at the same time, or by telephone using both Android and Windows Phone. And it also appears the rumors that Microsoft tends to keep the development WP 7.x for low-end models, also use WP 8 for high-end models.

In addition, Dennis Lui also post one images on tweet show 1 tablet run WindowRT same one colorful phone number.


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