Sunday, 23 September 2012

Microsoft licensed use file system for RIM

Microsoft today announced that the Blackberry manufacturer, Research In Motion has signed a licensing agreement to use the system file Extended File Allocation Table (exFAT) Microsoft on Blackberry devices. exFAT is a proprietary file system was designed and developed by Microsoft - to increase the size of the file and transfer rate on flash data storage. Numerous manufacturers have integrated file system on devices such as phones, PC and camera.
RIM is the latest big name to licence Microsoft's exFAT system. Microsoft's David Kaefer says the RIM deal "highlights how a modern file system, such as exFAT can help directly address the specific needs of customers in the mobile industry." Microsoft's previous legacy file system, known as File Allocation Table (FAT), is at the center of a dispute between Motorola and Microsoft in Germany. Earlier this year, Microsoft won a request to ban certain Motorola Android deices for infringing Microsoft's FAT patent.

So why the PR for a such a seemingly minor deal? Microsoft appears to be sending another signal to Google and Motorola that litigating core patents like exFAT isn't worth the cost. Microsoft's Brad Smith and Frank Shaw both made it obvious earlier this year that Microsoft feels licensing agreements are the way forward instead of lawsuits. Ultimately, the approach drives the cost of Android up and offers manufacturers protection from intellectual property litigation from Microsoft over their use of Android.


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